Balacoon TTS wraps text analysis and speech generation into a single Python package. Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to generate speech.

Installing balacoon_tts

Install the package via pip.

pip install -i balacoon-tts

You will also need numpy.

Getting model

balacoon_tts is just an engine that requires models and resources to initialize different components. We pack them into addons, so all you need to do is to download one file. Addons are available in HuggingFace Hub. Download it directly from the website:

# chose which model to download based on requirements/demos

Or download it programmatically using huggingface_hub:

from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
addon_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="balacoon/tts", filename="en_us_cmuartic_jets_cpu.addon")

balacoon_tts requires addons compiled for CPU, so pick those with _cpu suffix.

Running synthesis

That’s it. You are all set to run synthesis.

import wave
from balacoon_tts import TTS
# adjust the path to the addon based on the previous step
tts = TTS("path/to/en_us_cmuartic_jets_cpu.addon")
# this will return a list of speakers that model supports.
supported_speakers = tts.get_speakers()
speaker = supported_speakers[-1]
# finally run synthesis
samples = tts.synthesize("hello world", speaker)
# up to you what to do with the synthesized samples (np.int16 array)
# in this example we will save them to a file
with"example.wav", "w") as fp:
    fp.setparams((1, 2, tts.get_sampling_rate(), len(samples), "NONE", "NONE"))

Running streaming synthesis

In some applications, low latency is crucial, and waiting for the whole sentence to be synthesized before sending it to the user is unacceptable. Balacoon TTS supports streaming synthesis, which allows generating the audio chunks iteratively. So the user can listen to the previous audio fragment while the next one is being synthesized. It comes with a cost of approximately 2x slower synthesis due to redundant computations but allows the creation of responsive applications.

from balacoon_tts import TTS, SpeechUtterance
# create tts as before
tts = TTS("path/to/en_us_cmuartic_jets_cpu.addon")
# select speaker for synthesis
supported_speakers = tts.get_speakers()
speaker = supported_speakers[-1]
# create an utterance, which will hold the syntheis state
utterance = SpeechUtterance("hello world")
# run synthesis in a loop
while True:
    samples = tts.synthesize_chunk(utterance, speaker)
    if len(samples) == 0:
        # all the samples were already generated
    # send produced samples to the user,
    # for example play them back.