Source code for en_us_normalization.production.verbalize.electronic

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Verbalizes electronic addresses

import pynini
from en_us_normalization.production.verbalize.cardinal import CardinalFst
from en_us_normalization.production.verbalize.verbatim import VerbatimFst
from pynini.lib import pynutil

from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.base_fst import BaseFst
from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.shortcuts import (

[docs]class ElectronicFst(BaseFst): """ Finite state transducer for verbalizing electronic addresses. Most of the work is done at classification. At verbalization - we just need to remove the tags and expand some fields using verbatim or cardinal transducers. Specifically: - port is expanded with cardinal - username is expanded with verbatim, generating pronunciation for sequences of letters - password is expanded with verbatim, spelling sequences of letters - Examples of input/output strings: - electronic|username:cdf1|domain:abc.EDU| -> cdf one at abc dot EDU """
[docs] def __init__(self, verbatim: VerbatimFst = None, cardinal: CardinalFst = None): super().__init__( name="electronic", ) if verbatim is None: verbatim = VerbatimFst() if cardinal is None: cardinal = CardinalFst() # expand protocol if its there # list of protocols is in data/electronic/protocols.tsv protocol = pynutil.add_weight(pynini.cross("MAILTO", "mail to"), 0.9) protocol |= pynini.closure(NOT_BAR, 1) protocol = ( pynutil.delete("protocol:") + protocol + pynutil.delete("|") + insert_space ) optional_protocol = pynini.closure(protocol, 0, 1) # expand username # TODO will try to pronounce letters in user name. Might be a bad idea, # some detection of abbreviation is needed username = verbatim.get_verbatim_verbalization(letter_case="to_lower") # remove whitespace in case the field is the first one username = username @ pynini.cdrewrite(delete_space, "[BOS]", "", SIGMA) username = pynutil.delete("username:") + username + pynutil.delete("|") # expand password # verbatim prepends with whitespace password = verbatim.get_verbatim_verbalization(letter_case="to_upper") password = ( pynini.accep("password") + pynutil.delete(":") + password + pynutil.delete("|") ) optional_password = pynini.closure(insert_space + password, 0, 1) # combine username and password username_pass = username + optional_password + pynutil.insert(" at ") optional_username_pass = pynini.closure(username_pass, 0, 1) # expand domain # TODO keeps the case of domain. If domain is all consonants lowercase # would try to generate pronunciation for it. domain = verbatim.get_verbatim_verbalization(letter_case="keep") # remove whitespace in front domain = domain @ pynini.cdrewrite(delete_space, "[BOS]", "", SIGMA) domain = pynutil.delete("domain:") + domain + pynutil.delete("|") # expand port if its there # verbatim already prepends whitespace in front port = cardinal.get_digit_pairs_fst() port = ( insert_space + pynini.accep("port") + pynini.cross(":", " ") + port + pynutil.delete("|") ) # expand path if its there # verbatim already prepends whitespace in front path = verbatim.get_verbatim_verbalization(letter_case="to_upper") path = pynutil.delete("path:") + path + pynutil.delete("|") # combine everything together prefixed_domain = optional_protocol + optional_username_pass + domain suffix = port | (port + path) | pynutil.add_weight(path, 1.1) graph = prefixed_domain + pynini.closure(suffix, 0, 1) self._single_fst = self.delete_tokens(graph).optimize()