Source code for

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tokenize and classify money

import pynini
from en_us_normalization.production.classify.decimal import DecimalFst
from en_us_normalization.production.english_utils import get_data_file_path
from pynini.lib import pynutil

from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.base_fst import BaseFst
from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.data_loader import load_union
from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.shortcuts import insert_space

[docs]class MoneyFst(BaseFst): """ Finite state transducer for classifying money, suppletive aware. Reuses decimal transducer prepending or appending currency. Currencies are listed in "currency/major.tsv" data file. Most of the work is done in verbalizer to assign major/minor currencies. Examples of input and tagged money strings: - $12.05 -> money { currency: "$" decimal { integer_part: "12" fractional_part: "05" } } - $1 -> money { currency: "$" decimal { integer_part: "1" } } - 13.99£ -> money { decimal { integer_part: "13" fractional_part: "99" } currency: "£" } """
[docs] def __init__(self, decimal: DecimalFst = None): """ constructor of money tagging transuducer Parameters ---------- decimal: DecimalFst decimal transducer to reuse for amount. if not provided, created from scratch. """ super().__init__(name="money") if decimal is None: decimal = DecimalFst() currency = load_union(get_data_file_path("currency", "major.tsv")) currency = pynutil.insert('currency: "') + currency + pynutil.insert('"') # when decimal doesnt have a quantity, just integer/fractional part decimal_wo_quantity = ( pynutil.insert("decimal { ") + decimal.get_basic_decimal_fst() + pynutil.insert(" }") ) currency_before_amount = currency + insert_space + decimal_wo_quantity currency_after_amount = decimal_wo_quantity + insert_space + currency money_wo_quantity = currency_before_amount | currency_after_amount # when decimal has a quantity has to insert specification style name, # because it is expanded differently. # enlarge set of supported quantities with lower-case "m" extra_quantity = pynini.cross("m", "million") decimal_with_quantity = ( pynutil.insert("decimal { ") + decimal.add_quantity(decimal.get_basic_decimal_fst(), extra_quantity=extra_quantity) + pynutil.insert(" }") ) specification_name = pynutil.insert(' style_spec_name: "with_quantity"') currency_before_amount = currency + insert_space + decimal_with_quantity currency_after_amount = decimal_with_quantity + insert_space + currency money_with_quantity = currency_before_amount | currency_after_amount money_with_quantity += specification_name graph = money_wo_quantity | money_with_quantity graph = self.add_tokens(graph) self._single_fst = graph.optimize() self.connect_to_self(connector_in="-", connector_out="to")