Source code for en_us_normalization.production.classify.decimal

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tokenize and classify decimals

import pynini
from en_us_normalization.production.classify.cardinal import CardinalFst
from en_us_normalization.production.english_utils import get_data_file_path
from pynini.lib import pynutil

from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.base_fst import BaseFst
from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.shortcuts import DIGIT, insert_space, delete_space
from learn_to_normalize.grammar_utils.data_loader import load_union

[docs]class DecimalFst(BaseFst): """ Finite state transducer for classifying decimal, i.e. numbers with fractional part. There are 3 options to accept in fst: - both integer and fractional part are present, for ex. "12.5006" - only fractional part is present, for ex. ".35" - only integer part is present, for ex. "12". This one can be handled by cardinal semiotic class, but it is kept in decimal as well, since decimal can be a part of composite semiotic class, such as `measure` Integer part of decimal - can be any cardinal or a single "0" for cases such as "0.5" Fractional part can be any sequence of digits after the dot Optionally decimal can have quantity after the number. There are two options: full form (for ex. "12 thousands") or short version (for ex. "12k"). Supported quantities are stored in data/magnitudes.tsv Examples for decimals and their tagging: - -12.5006 -> decimal { negative: "true" integer_part: "12" fractional_part: "5006" } - 13k -> decimal { integer_part: "13" quantity: "thousands" } TODO: add handling of abbreviated quantities, for ex. .5B -> decimal { fractional_part: "5" quantity: "billion" } """
[docs] def __init__(self, cardinal: CardinalFst = None): """ constructor for decimal fst Parameters ---------- cardinal: CardinalFst a cardinal fst to reuse digits fst from it. If not provided, will be initialized from scratch. """ super().__init__(name="decimal") if cardinal is None: cardinal = CardinalFst() delete_point = pynutil.delete(".") digits = cardinal.get_digits_fst() | pynini.accep("0") integer = pynutil.insert('integer_part: "') + digits + pynutil.insert('"') fraction = ( delete_point + pynutil.insert('fractional_part: "') + pynini.closure(DIGIT, 1) + pynutil.insert('"') ) # 3 options: # 1) there is both integer and fractional part # 2) there is just integer part # 3) there is just fractional part both_integer_and_fraction = integer + insert_space + fraction decimal_tagged = both_integer_and_fraction | integer | fraction optional_minus = pynini.closure(pynutil.insert("negative: ") + pynini.cross("-", '"true" '), 0, 1) self._basic_decimal_fst = optional_minus + decimal_tagged graph = self.add_quantity(self._basic_decimal_fst) self._single_fst = self.add_tokens(graph).optimize() self.connect_to_self(connector_in="-", connector_out="to") self.connect_to_self(connector_in=["x", "รท", "+"], connector_out=["by", "divided by", "plus"], connector_spaces="none_or_one", to_closure=True)
[docs] def get_basic_decimal_fst(self): """ getter for reusable basic decimal digits fst, that transduces "12.56" to `integer_part: "12" fractional_part: "56"`. I.e. before adding decimal tag and without quantity. """ return self._basic_decimal_fst
[docs] @staticmethod def add_quantity(fst: pynini.FstLike, extra_quantity: pynini.FstLike = None) -> pynini.FstLike: """ helper function to add optional quantity field on top of the graph """ # quantity can be in a short form just after a number singular_quantity = pynini.string_file(get_data_file_path("magnitudes.tsv")) if extra_quantity: singular_quantity |= extra_quantity quantity = singular_quantity + pynutil.insert('s') # quantity can be in a full form after a space magnitudes = load_union(get_data_file_path("magnitudes.tsv"), column=1, case_agnostic=True) optional_s = pynini.closure(pynini.accep("s") | pynini.cross("S", "s"), 0, 1) quantity |= (delete_space + magnitudes + optional_s) quantity = insert_space + pynutil.insert('quantity: "') + quantity + pynutil.insert('"') optional_quantity = pynini.closure(quantity, 0, 1) fst_quantity = fst + optional_quantity # need to add another option when quantity is singular one = pynini.accep("1") | pynini.accep("1.0") one = pynini.cross(one, "integer_part: \"1\"") one += insert_space + pynutil.insert('quantity: "') + singular_quantity + pynutil.insert('"') fst_quantity |= one return fst_quantity