
Text normalization is a complex non-determinstic task with long tail of errors. Therefore, evaluating text normalization is challenging and not always descriptive. Having an evaluation corpus is still highly beneficial, since it helps to find problematic utterances and adjust normalization rules.

evaluate tool loads pairs of unnormalized/normalized utterances, applies test_normalization to unnormalized one and compairs it to normalized one. This generic logic relies on data iterator interface.

Text-normalization datasets supported:


As part of text-normalization challenge, Google released an automatically generated dataset of unnormalized/normalized pairs.

In order to run evaluation and generate report with mismatches:

# from within docker
# see google data docs on how to obtain the data
# see usage docs on how to build the addon
evaluate --addon work_dir/normalization.addon --dataset google_en
    --datadir src/learn_to_normalize/evaluation/google_data/en_with_types/
    --subset test --log report.txt